Thursday, July 31, 2008

ABC, We Are Watching You

ABC, We Are Watching You

Dear Phillip,

I am aware of your situation and many false accusations of the Zionists. Nonetheless, Martin Indic made many false and inaccurate remarks at that night as I mentioned earlier and you failed to correct him or stop him. However, the truth must be told and the Zionist intimidation must be stopped.


P.S. I’ve added ‘l’ and I hope you will move forward.

--- On Fri, 1/8/08, Phillip Adams wrote:
From: Phillip Adams
Subject: Re: ABC, We Are Watching You
Cc: "phillip adams"
Received: Friday, 1 August, 2008, 10:33 AM

What a silly email!! Though it makes a change from twenty years of being abused as ' a stooge of the Palestinians' and 'an anti-Semite"....all those sympathetic programs on the P's, including live broadcasts from refugee camps in the Lebanon under Israeli fire... not to mention the dozens of conversation with prominent members of the PLO - and my recent chat with Malaysia's Anwar Ibrahim accusing Israel of war crimes.....and you cap it all by spelling my name incorrectly...

ABC, We Are Watching You

The following letter was emailed to right recipients and a hard copy was forwarded to the ABC Board Members at their Ultimo Office.

Faruque Ahmed
P O Box – 349, Alexandria – 2015
Mobile: 041 091 4118

The Chairman
ABC Radio and Television
Email: board@...

Re: False and Inaccurate Broadcasting during the Late Night Live Program with Phillip Adams at Monday, July 28, 2008

Dear Sir/Madam

Further to Israeli Holocaust, Holocaust continuum, The Iron Wall and Middle East Formula for Peace; beloved Phillip Adams allowed Martin Indic to broadcast false and inaccurate statements like, "Ehud Barak offered everything to Yasser Arafat during the Camp David talk" similar to this manufactured interview.

In reality Ehud Barak offered nothing as clearly demonstrated by this map. Beside millions of lies, this map of deceit was kept secret and unpublished. Yet, Phillip allowed Martin to propagate many blatant lies about Israeli/Palestinian conflict last night.

Beside the "genuine offer of Israel" at 2000 still I am waiting to find out the new genuine offer of Israel before calling Palestinian kids as "terrorists". You see those children who are playing at their mothers' cradles, backyards and schoolyards have been confronting racist and fascist outsiders who allegedly got passports from "god" are in fact and reality terrorists. No sane person can address victims of Israeli terror continuum as "terrorists". Ironically, many ABC personalities are indulging these types of crimes on a daily basis as Philip did tonight.

I hope you will take necessary action to eradicate these types of madness.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Message to Ross Nelson

Message to Ross Nelson

Further to Message to Jimmy and Message to Gold Coast Driver I would like to say that the WW1 British aristocracy casualty was very low! They used to push the Australians, Bangladeshis, Canadians, Indians, New Zealanders, Pakistanis in the front while they used sip Champagne from castles behind. No one have to argue about these settled facts. One has to accept the reality instead of hiding behind racism and sectarianism, because those defense shields are false and futile.

Historically speaking the Master Careers Association used to be the modern day equivalent of the TNT. They used to bash workers out side their Redfern office where ironically the TNT building is standing. The ‘good’ Police did nothing. Cutting the story short, the high class ‘chair sniffing’ MCA bankrupted for their own-deeds and perished like “commoners” in a miserable manner despite their outrageous refusal to accept the fate.

Faruque Ahmed, Mike Hatrick, late Emil Haraszti, Tony Denton and many good taxi drivers did some good for taxi drivers. It is not a good idea to insult and attack them without any good reason or ground. They have not done anything wrong. They are trying very hard in a very difficult atmosphere. They are also human being. Your baselees and irrelevant attacks continuum may distract them from doing some good work for the community. I hope no one is paying you from doing so, because your irrational and unsubstantiated attacks on them do not make any sense and totally unproductive.

I hope you will wake up and stop acting against the wish and interest of the taxi workers.

--- In, "Ross Nelson" wrote:

Yesterday I spoke on 2GB to Alan Jones for about ten minutes at the peak time of 8:15am.
We spoke mostly about the intended lifting of our right to charge the habour crossing north-bound.
We were supposed to talk mostly about safety and the government's inaction.
Sadly time ran out.Today Alan got John Watkins on air.After giving him a going over re other aspects of Public Transport Alan asked him about Taxi Driver safety.It appeared as though he had not read the Madden Report.
He said that he had spoken to Michael Jools on a few occasions.
"Since the report has been released?"
"No."Anyway after a bit of pushing and shoving it looks like we may start to get some action nearly two years since Michael Jools and I met him to urge him to do something about making our lives safer.rossco

Monday, March 24, 2008

US Pushed Allies on Iraq, Diplomat Writes

US Pushed Allies on Iraq, Diplomat Writes

Iraq pullout would hurt Israel, Iraq Was Invaded to Secure Israel, Israelis control America, "Who control America"?, Masochist American Slaves and Oil, Israel and Iraq are not enough to open many American eyes!

Asked about two thirds of Americans' opposition to war, Cheney says, 'So?' (f…..g what?) and these types of people would like to export democracy?! Isn’t it like Charles Manson taking care of Sharon Tate?

However, you are welcome to watch the followings and make up your mind instead of remain blind.

YouTube - Dancing Israelis on 9/11

YouTube - Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11

YouTube - 911 Truckload of explosives Mossad Movers

YouTube - Fox News : 911 The Israeli Connection

--- In, "Jodie" wrote:

It sounds worse and worse.........

US Pushed Allies on Iraq, Diplomat Writes

Colum Lynch, writing for The Washington Post, reports, "In the months leading up to the US-led invasion of Iraq, the Bush administration threatened trade reprisals against friendly countries who withheld their support, spied on its allies, and pressed for the recall of UN envoys that resisted US pressure to endorse the war, according to an upcoming book by a top Chilean diplomat."

Monday, January 28, 2008

Excuse Me!

Excuse Me!

“If Jew kills a Christian he commits no sin”. --Sepher Or Israel 177b

Norma Khoury, Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie, Ershad Manji, Ayaan Hirshi Ali and many more crooks became over night celebrity by inciting against Muslims and Arabs based on totally false and fabricated prejudice and bigotry of theirs aided by a very well known and organized groups. In the net and media Islam and Arab bashings are the most spectacular sports.

Again, you see Muslim and Arab bashings are the most popular sports in the town. For an example people like Bat Yeor, Melanie Phillips, Prof. Raphael Israeli and many more Zionists/”Jews/Israelis are borrowing entire chapters and verses from Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf against Arabs and Muslims and then they express their astonishment in German Poll Support Nazi Rule! A commotion like Greek Historian sentenced for 'Holocaust’ denial does not attract the fundamental question of free speech!

The longest running concentration camps known to mankind are located inside occupied Palestine with a stamp of infinity! This slow motion Israeli Holocaust in Palestine is more painful than Hitler’s one. Yet, no one is allowed to ask any question about this blatant Holocaust! This is not in the past. It is happening in front of everyone, right now!

Now, the question is, why the hell these people got the right to insult and abuse anyone without any reason or ground whatsoever and we are not even allowed to point out their wrong doings be that religiously, politically, socially or otherwise?

Norma Khoury, Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie, Ershad Manji, Ayaan Hirshi Ali and many more crooks became over night celebrity by inciting against Muslims and Arabs based on totally false and fabricated prejudice and bigotry of theirs aided by a very well known and organized groups. In the net and media Islam and Arab bashings are the most spectacular sports.

Again, you see Muslim and Arab bashings are the most popular sports in the town. For an example people like Bat Yeor, Melanie Phillips, Prof. Raphael Israeli and many more Zionists/”Jews/Israelis are borrowing entire chapters and verses from Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf against Arabs and Muslims and then they express their astonishment in German Poll Support Nazi Rule! A commotion like Greek Historian sentenced for 'Holocaust’ denial does not attract the fundamental question of free speech!

The longest running concentration camps known to mankind are located inside occupied Palestine with a stamp of infinity! This slow motion Israeli Holocaust in Palestine is more painful than Hitler’s one. Yet, no one is allowed to ask any question about this blatant Holocaust! This is not in the past. It is happening in front of everyone, right now!